We Need You!
PBC's Purple Bucket Brigade, a 501c3 nonprofit organization,
is here to recruit more people to start composting!
Compost for yourself.
Compost for your neighbors.
Compost for your garden.
Whatever your reason, we need YOU!
We're here to guide you through every step of the way.
In just an hour or two per week, you can compost for yourself and dozens of neighbors.
Learn the ins and outs of composting
Learn what NOT to do and how to avoid common mistakes
Learn how to use your new supply of compost on your garden, lawn, etc...
Get everything you need, including invitation templates for inviting your neighbors
We supply volunteer community composters for FREE!
(buckets, equipment, tools, etc...)
Volunteers earn additional FREE gifts for their gardens!
Please complete the form below and let's get to work!
We'll be in touch soon.
Our Community Partners
Purple Bucket Exchange Station Hosts
(listed alphabetically by city)
Bailey, CO
Facebook: www.facebook.com/baileydepotfeed
*10% Discount for PBC Members
Conifer, CO
Website: www.mrcco.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MountainResourceCenter
Website: www.castlesandkitchens.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/castlesandkitchens
*Free Dessert Tasting for PBC Members
Website: www.aspenparkvet.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AspenParkVet
*10% Discount for PBC Members
More Members of Our Composting Community
Thank you for your support!
Website: www.greenteamsuperheroes.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064672519133
Instagram: www.instagram.com/green_team_superheroes/
Website: www.daddyshomemadesyrup.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/daddyshomemadesyrups
*10% Off for PBC Members
Website: www.chillsquirrel.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheChillSquirrel